The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77703   Message #1390254
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jan-05 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
Subject: RE: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
Hmm. Interesting. By the sound of that, ear candling may even be as dangerous as conventional medical procedures are! :-)

Well, I have an elegant solution to this conundrum. Do what I do. I take hot baths, rather than showers. While in the bath, I lie back for some time and relax, with most of my head under the water, but my face sticking out so I can breathe. By this means, a good deal of warm water gets into the ears, and it melts and clears most of the wax out of the ears very effectively. This happens several times a week.

Accordingly, I do not suffer from notable wax buildup or hearing loss and have never had any pressing need for either ear candling or conventional medical treatments of any kind to remove ear wax.

It's dead simple, it costs nothing, you can do it yourself, and it works. Problem solved!

(On the occasion when I did have ear candling done, I did it out of curiosity, not because I was experiencing any hearing problems or other related problems with the inner ear.)