The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74135   Message #1390963
Posted By: Naemanson
28-Jan-05 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: Springtime In Guam
Subject: RE: Springtime In Guam
She insisted!

Masato speaks very good English. And you are right, Sins, he doesn't need my approval. Unfortunately I will not be getting to Tokyo this weekend. I intended to vist two old friends and Masato, an old friend I have never met before. Unfortunately Masato is iffy because of his back (something I am very familiar with) and it turns out the other two do not live anywhere near each other and cannot get together with me after all. So, everything is on hold till later in February.

By the way, Masato, Wakana wanted to talk with you but didn't say anything until after we disconnected. Utsonomiya is her old stomping grounds.

Wakana insists that I am losing weight on my Japanese diet. I don't know how that could be but she should know. She can now get her arms all the way around me so that her hands touch each other when hugging. I threatened my mother in law that I would tell the world about the famous Mitsuko Diet and she would never get out of the kitchen. Of course, it could be that I am shivering the weight off...