The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71822   Message #1391188
Posted By: John P
28-Jan-05 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: downloading music
Subject: RE: downloading music
Hey Cutie 16,
I'm in the middle of saving up enough money to make my next CD. Please send me a check.

And please tell me where you work so I can contact your boss and let them know that you think it's all right for people to go to work and not get paid for it. You're not really losing anything if you work all day and don't get any money are you? Jees, don't be so selfish. Just go help your boss out, he's your greatest fan and just loves the work you do so much that he wouldn't think of offering you money for it. In fact, he'll not only not pay you for your work, he'll loan you out to all his friends so you can work for them without getting paid as well. It's still not costing you anything -- you should be glad to do all that work for all those people, just because they all love you so much and appreciate all the work you do.

John Peekstok