The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77703   Message #1391260
Posted By: GUEST,Joe_F
28-Jan-05 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
Subject: RE: BS: Occasional deafness - earwax!
I was advised by my doctor to use ear drops such as drugstores (US) sell over the counter. I bought the Brooks house brand (carbamide peroxide 6.5%) & found it worked fine. One ear got plugged again after a couple of weeks & needed a repeat, but since then both have passed my usual test: Rub your thumb & forefinger gently together next to the ear. If your ear is plugged, you won't hear it.

--- Joe Fineman

||: Sparsely sage, those wary in time! :||