The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77802   Message #1391653
Posted By: Raedwulf
28-Jan-05 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Auschwitz and other mass murder
Subject: RE: Auschwitz and other mass murder
So what are you saying Martin? All those people that Stlin killed are less important than the Jews that Hitler slaughtered? "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is just a statistic" as Stalin (more or less, I don't have the exact quote to hand) said...

How nice to have your small-minded, ego-centric, Judo-centric view of the world that considers that there has only ever been one Holocaust. So presumably Cambodia doesn't matter to you? Or Rwanda? Or...

Because lots of people have died at various times, and whilst I've never actually seen any statistics calculated, I would not be at all surprised to find the Holocaust does not come top of the averages of "People massacred / available world population".

There have been too many Holocausts, Martin, because it's all too easy to channel human nature in that direction. Oh, & I read your link. Puerile. An essay from a teen with enough intelligence to follow the forms of institutional learning (quoting 'authorities' left, right & centre), but without the background, understanding & knowledge to make any sort of sense of an event that she never experienced.

What did you think that link proved exactly? What's worse about Mengele's worthless unscientific experiments, than burning alive several hundred people who sought sanctuary in a church (Rwanda), or working them to death on starvation rations (e.g. Buchenwald or Cambodia in general)? Everyone's dead in the end...

If you know history, instead of looking at just the limited set that you can use as a stick to beat everyone else with (which might not be true of you, Martin, but given your general attitude & behaviour on this board over time, you've no grounds for complaint if you're judged by your posting history), the scary thing is that the Hitlers throughout history have not been evil. Just people that were utterly convinced they were right & acting in the best interests of their people...