The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77818   Message #1392210
29-Jan-05 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sound of freedom ringing
Subject: RE: BS: Sound of freedom ringing
Hope? oh please. (gagging again) I'm not trying to start a debate, but:

Who in their RIGHT MIND believes this 'election' is anything but a cleverly orchestrated farce by a desperate administraion (USA) trying to put on good show for the rest of the world. Better than Saddam? If Saddam was so freaking awful, why did WE, the USA that is, bankroll him for so long ..about two decades...and..might I add, sell him weapons when he was our errand boy during the Iran/Iraq War?

Ring a bell? riiiiiight. I might hit somebody over the HEAD with a cowbell if I saw them ringing one in 'support' of this fictious 'freedom' and if it makes a sound, somebody could assume I am participating in this silly exercise.