The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77817   Message #1392332
Posted By: Azizi
29-Jan-05 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus look like?
To all who might wonder,

My post wasn't a joke..

The quote was given to provide a different perspective than the Euro-centric statements about Jesus' looks that dominate most discussions on this subject [and they are legion].

You notice that I did refer to the excerpted quote as theories and not as actual facts.

I certainly don't agree with the person writing that essay that EVERY religious leader who ever lived was considered Black or would have been considered Black by the USA's extremely wide criteria..

In sharing that quote, I wanted to broaden the discussion by pointing out that there are some historical indicators that suggest that Jesus was certainly far from White.

And especially given the wide definition of who is considered to be 'Black' in the United States if Jesus looked like those in his area, I do believe that most people in the USA would consider him to be part of the 'Black race'...

And not so far way back when, he wouldn't have been allowed to sit in the front of the bus.

Also, I must apologize for not including the Biblical chapter and verse for the 'hair like lamb's wool' quote. If someone has the exact quote, I'd appreciate it being posted.

Also, I agree with the position that how Jesus looked is of FAR less importance than the beauty of his spirit.. I feel that anyone's physical appearance is far less important than the quality of her or his soul, personality, and mind.

Also Jim:
not a sari...rather on days when I want to dress ethnic, a Senegalese dress or Nigerian loose blouse, long skirt, sash, and head wrap...Yes I know that I said my name is Swahili and that KiSwahili isn't 'traditionally' spoken in those nations...

but-besides creating our own things, us African Americans have a way of taking what we want from different cultures, mixing it up, and making it our own.

Ms. Azizi