The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77817   Message #1392647
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Jan-05 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: What did Jesus look like?
Subject: RE: BS: What did Jesus look like?
I suppose this (click) will forever be my visual image of Jesus, though I may hate myself for that at times. It's the picture my parents had hanging in the living room, so it's the one that stuck. I suppose I shouldn't complain. There are many that are far worse. The Divine Mercy image of Jesus is taking the Catholic Church by storm, complete with its "Jesus I Trust In You" inscription computer-pasted over the original Polish inscription. We nearly had a palace coup in our parish when the new pastor too down our larger-than-life Divine Mercy posters from the sanctuary.

Still, I think I'd rather have no visual image at all, or maybe something impressionistic or an icon - an image that leaves a lot to the imagination.
The National Catholic Reporter is THE periodical for us liberal Catholics in the U.S. A few years back, the newspaper asked for submissions of images of Jesus, and you can find a few of them here (click) I have to say I'm more comfortable with the image we had in the living room. They're all interesting, but the winner and some of the others seem to have an "agenda" attached. This page (click) says the winning picture is sure proof that Roman Catholicism is witchcraft.

Hmmmm. Maybe they don't realize that many right-wing Catholics consider National Catholic Reporter to be heresy....

-Joe Offer-

This page (click) has some interesting modern images of Jesus.