The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15503   Message #139279
Posted By: Sourdough
21-Nov-99 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Understanding living music traditions
Subject: Understanding living music traditions
I was looking through the Internet for information about the murder of Naomi Wise about a hundred and ninety years ago when she was "deluded by John Lewis's lies". I came across a speech by the director of the Smithsonian (I think they are called now) the Ralph Rinzler Archives. I think there are a lot of people here who would find the history covered in the speech, Clarence Ashley, Doc Watson and others when Ralph R. first located them, as fascinating as I did. There is a lot here that ties to what Frank Hamilton has written about the vigor of primary sources.

I wish I could insert a button here for you to go directly to the site without cutting and pasting but I don't know how to do that. However, someone who goes there and agrees that it is an interesting document might be kind enough to create a button.
