The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77649   Message #1393051
Posted By: Billy Weeks
30-Jan-05 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: Mitchell & Kenyon ... Wonderful!!
Subject: RE: Mitchell & Kenyon ... Wonderful!!
It would be wonderful to have these films on DVD with a measured commentary instead of Dan Cruickshank's boring breathlessness and without (purlease without)the god-awful comic interruptions. This amazing chronicle does not need to be patronised in such a dumbed-down manner. The presentation said a lot about what the producers think of the intelligence of their viewers and very little of value about the quality of Mitchell and Kenyon's work. By contrast, the reactions of the descendants were sheer magic. I would have liked more of them and more of the original footage. Incidentally did anyone else find the background music mostly irrelevant?