The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #139339
Posted By: Stewie
21-Nov-99 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
The only one that springs to mind is 'Waits' Carol' that appeared on Martyn Wyndham-Read, Geoff and Penny Harris and Arky's Toast 'Maypole to Mistletoe'. It begins 'Down with the rosemary and bays, down with the mistletoe'. There is this quote: 'At the Christmas time our houses are bedecked with greenery of many kinds, with holly, mistletoe, rosemary and bays. And when the night of the twelfth day comes round, all decorations must come down, for if perchance they should remain until Candlemas Day, then surely will they all turn in to goblins'. Unfortunately, the album was on the Trailer label which is now owned by the dreaded Bulmer who has reissued nothing from his Leader/Trailer holdings. You may be able to find a printed version.

Cheers, Stewie.