The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77818   Message #1393640
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jan-05 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sound of freedom ringing
Subject: RE: BS: Sound of freedom ringing
See what I mean, GUEST... Many of these folks have allready drunk to coolaid...

One actually suggested that Afganistan's election signaled the beginning of democracy there!!! Ha... Outside of Kabul, you have warlords still runnning what they ran prior to the US invasion and you have Taliban making back into their enclaves... Some democracy, they fot there...

Oh yeah, I'm prepared to watch the news tonight. It oughtta be real entertaining since the Bush PR team has had months to prepare the scripts. Think I'll just get out my American flag and wave it as I watch.

Lets face it, Bush has lied repeatedly to the American people about why the US had to invade Iraq... Each lie has been found out and now it's the "democracy" lie. It too will be found out hust as the others.

You know, I think I could have accepted (but not supported) Bush if he's just come to the American people in the first place and said "My fellow Americans, I've decided to invade and occupy Iraq because it will secure oil for our nation and make me a war president so that I can get re-elected so that my corporate sponsors can fleece all you dumbasses". Yeah, that, at least, would have been honest.

But no! All we get is one lie stacked on top of another... I mean its so danged rediculous that if you sifted thru the various lies you'd be hard pressed to get back to the first one...

Might of fact, for extra credit, can anyone name the first lie? See what I mean?
