The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77914   Message #1394908
Posted By: Mr Happy
31-Jan-05 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Songs for Special-Needs Kids
Subject: RE: Folklore: Songs for Sp Needs Kids
when i worked in children[& adult services], i found the best sogs were those that included making some actions, using instruments, or those sogs that could be adapted to include personal names.

the victims [captive audience+ participants] enjoyed using rattles, tambourines, bodrhans,drums,shakey eggs,whistles,kazoos etc to join in.

example of a son adapted is '1/4masters stores'

you could sing 'there was jenny, jenny looking for a penny/going to spend a penny' or make up rhymes as you go along, the funnier the better.

another fave one i used to do was 'in & out the toilets[windows]'

also 'runaway train', 'coming round mtn'[with rude words]:'oh she's got a lovely bottom set of teeth...' etc.

i often would play keyboard after lunch 'lloyd george knew my father'

one of victims names was george lloyd, so he liked this one a lot.

the main thing is for victims to have good time,learn stuff[without it being obvious] & have experience of sharing with others.