The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77933 Message #1395151
Posted By: Biskit
31-Jan-05 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: I hate it when.........
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
I can't say as I hate it when Bobert and I agree,..but it's always surprising!,..but then within a few minutes he'll start foaming at the mouth and spewing parroted phrases that he's read somewhere else on the internet (so it HAS to be true!) if that doesn't work he'll try his best to make you ashamed as he is that you are; "white" or "Male" or or anything other than downtrodden with no hope of escape! AAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!! what I mean is; it dosen't last more than a few moments,... Peace! Through Understanding ~Biskit~