The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77932   Message #1395161
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
31-Jan-05 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ring Around the Facts - Create-a-History
Subject: RE: BS: Ring Around the Facts - Create-a-History
It's fun to do that sort of thing, but unfortunately the kind of people who incessantly post the same old rubbish to long threads without bothering to read them first are so ignorant and gullible that within ten minutes they'll be back here repeating our jokes as fact (and ancient, pre-christian fact, come to that). Within a day or two, the joke will have spread across the web, appearing on neo-pagan and "celtic" sites as incontrovertible ancient wisdom.

We'll then spend the next few years being accused of bigotry or "purism", or of being "folk police", when the little fellows pop up here and announce the findings of their "research" and we fall about laughing.

Life is too short. The "folk fibbers" of the 1950s-70s have already left more lies and misinformation behind them than we are ever likely to be able to disentangle. Let's not add to the mess. We may get a laugh out of it (presumably they did) but we'd just be laying up trouble for those who come after.