The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77891   Message #1395194
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
31-Jan-05 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: The most obnoxious famous I've met
Subject: RE: BS: The most obnoxious famous I've met
Maryrff - I have worked with Cathie Ryan on several occasions as an MC and she has been a guest on my radio program, and I have never witnessed the behavior that you experienced.   At one venue, a similar circumstance occured - the mic wasn't right, the speakers were giving feedback, the band could not hear themselves on stage, and the soundperson was stubborn and arguementative.   I must say she handled herself professionally. I would say that Cathie is one of the nicest performers I've ever met.

This is an example why I have a problem with this thread.   I am sure that most of us have dealt with obnoxious people in the course or our jobs.   Because we aren't "famous", we simply deal with it. What you witnessed was obnoxious in your eyes, but I am sure that ALL of us have dealt in similar fashion when we face an obstacle in doing our jobs.   "What, no paper for the copier?" "How am I supposed to work if the computers are down? WHere is that *(#$&($ IT Department?" "Another customer said I did not give out the proper change. What nerve!!".

Cathie is very concerned with how her music is heard by an audience that pays money to see her.    If her performance is going to be altered because of a cheap mic or an incompetent sound person, she damn well better get pissed!    The sound person isn't the customer.

While it may be fun for us to rub elbows with the famous, most of them are just trying to do their job.   Try to put yourself in their shoes for a few minutes.   Sure they are getting paid to be "famous", but are we not getting paid to do our jobs?   If we are honest with ourselves, I am sure we have all been obnoxious at one time or another.   Let's just hope people don't start threads about us!!