The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77921   Message #1395268
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
01-Feb-05 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
Subject: RE: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
The question has arisen (Please don't ask from where. You don't really want to know. Trust me on this.), "If a spatula is not used as a spatula, is it still a spatula?" For instance, if you keep a spatula in your car to scrape ice from your windshiled, is it still a spatula or is it an ice scraper? If you use a spatula to stir paint, is it still a spatula or is it a paint stirrer? In other words, is spatulaness inherent in the physical item itself, or is it determined by the use to which that item is put?

You may rest assured that I await your comments with bated breath.