The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #139539
Posted By: MMario
22-Nov-99 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
LiS - I am probably feeling a little touchy today - in fact I know I am, but I DO get very tired of getting blamed for the actions of people many centuries ago.....and more or less getting told that my celebration of a religious festival that is important to my faith is invalid because another religion happens to have celebrated a festival at the same time.....

I am not excusing the Christians who did deliberatly try to subvert the pagan celebrations by co-opting holy days and celebrations, but after hundreds of years the Christian celebrations DO have some validity in their own right (or "rites")

I can imagine the furor if a similar stance was taken regarding Kwanzaa (did I spell that correctly?) which WAS made up out of whole cloth within the last few decades.