The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53233   Message #1395463
Posted By: John in Brisbane
01-Feb-05 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: Tech: ABC to sheetmusic/midi
Subject: RE: Tech: ABC to sheetmusic/midi
Thanks Pavane, an excellent suggestion. I downloaded the MIDI - which is very easy to do - and printed the score. When I eyeballed the dots it was pretty easy to see that the 7th pattern is 1-3-5-#7, in other words a Major Seventh. I've just registered as a user and will let them know.

Hi GUEST - I did try Convert A Matic before I posted to ensure that it worked OK. And it did apart from the bodgy chords in the MIDI. Are you copying and pasting direct from screen (the recommended method) or did you copy from the Source HTML on this page (full of ABC unfriendly characters?

I used ABCMUS as my test-bed when I prepared the ABC as it's quite pedantic about crappy syntax. No problems there. I'll re-check the notation 'cos it's hard to appreciate errors in my own work.

Regards, John