The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #139554
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
22-Nov-99 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
MMario my dear, as Micca will tell you, I am a card carrying Christian myself, been involved with the church for nearly 3/4 of my life so far, since joining the choir in 1974. I was baptised, confirmed and married in church, as parish warden I sit on the PCC and DCC amongst other committees, I'm a Eucharistic minister, I read and have lead prayers and worship services and have been involved in missions. My priest refers to me as his token pagan, and my pagan friend call me their token Christian, so I have a foot in each camp as it were.

The 11 days was taken by act of parliament, like daylight saving time, not any church or religion, and it was done entirely to fit the social calendar of the monarch of time, because we were nearly 2 weeks behind the rest of the continent. I'm aware that my postings are being read by people of all races and religions, some of whom are not as familiar with Christian names for what has mostly been seen as pagan festivals, like Samhain for All Hallows Eve, or Eostre for Easter. In fact, there are many Christians who don't know half the festivals and their names. I try to be diplomatic and sometimes end up patronising, I'm sorry.

It is mostly the fault of the early missionaries, who were told to sweep the altars to the old gods clean, and replace them with the trappings of the new. If you want to convert a large group of people, you don't take away their opportunities to party; but giving them a different name may make you feel better about the drunkeness and debauchery that may accompany the festival.

I once led a study group that explored these festivals, we took a traditional Christmas and stripped it of everything that was considered 'pagan'. What we had left was still a very powerful Christian message, but would be almost unrecognisable as Christmas by anyone else. Hence the reason I can remember so much crap about ivy and wrens, and practically nothing of my catachism....

I'm sorry if I upset you, it was not my intention. I get tired of being told that my saviour had long blonde 'Timotei' hair, shiny white robes and the cleanest pinkest feet you ever did see...... I guess we both have some grumbles...