The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77904   Message #1395565
Posted By: Vixen
01-Feb-05 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Wolf Tones (?) again
Subject: RE: Wolf Tones (?) again
Tee Hee!

Estate planning....well, we're "planning" to take all the instruments with us, since neither one of us plays the harp (yet!)

We're playing SotCD as a moderate tempo because a third person will be singing the lyrics, which seem to lend themselves to a sort of romantic lilting tempo. We also chose to go with 3/4 instead of 4/4. I have heard this tune done 2 or 3 different ways (including the SJ tempo) and it's amazing how good it sounds regardless of how it's arranged.

As for the beverages we're imbibing!!!!...actually we were cold sober at the time, but I'll have to see what the results are after a few draughts of something stronger than tea...

The "extra reeds" explanation might be it...Reynaud's only been playing the concertina since June, and he's starting to experiment with chords, so maybe he's trying that, and to him it sounds just like it's spozed to, and to me it sounds like celestial choirs...

Thanks for the laughs and the ideas!!!