The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77952   Message #1395612
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
01-Feb-05 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Has The Folk Community Changed?
Subject: RE: Has The Folk Community Changed?
I think the question you pose does not have a yes or no answer.

The folk community that you speak of Jerry helped create change.   I truly believe that the groundwork that was started in those coffehouses several decades ago contributed to an open communication that has become part of our society.   The media no longer keeps "secrets", in fact it is always looking for dirt. Whereas in the early 1960's a presidential affair may have been kept secret, it would be out in the open today.

People talk about issues. People argue. I am sure there were discussions before these events occured, but I do believe that people are more open to share their feelings about issues.   In addition, we have forums that were created by the internet.   Some may call this "graffiti in a toilet", but it is what it is.

I find it not just on Mudcat, but in all facets of life.

I'm not happy with the rudeness that some people show online. Often it clouds what could be a very interesting counterpoint. None of us will change that.   We need to develop thicker skins, not take things personally, and continue to share our opinions.   We also need to be realize that if we are going to post an opinion, someone will probably have a different one.