The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77956   Message #1395643
Posted By: Bill D
01-Feb-05 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
ah, Pied is awkward indeed when I sort of agree with your final conclusion, (that the theology involved doesn't convince me), but must disagree with your reasoning.

The simple point is, there are other possibilities than the ones you note. In fact, many Christians do not take the Adam & Eve story 'literally'...whereas, you still are. It is possible to reconcile, logically, evolution and religion by simply claiming that God designed evolution and set it in motion..etc..etc...

And beyond that, there is growing **scientific** evidence that the human race was reduced to a VERY small band about 55,000 years ago, due to a global catastrophe...and that we may indeed by all descended from one...or just a few, of those survivors. Beyond even that, it is seriously speculated that 5-6 million years ago, our 'line' that broke off from early primates started from just one female. Whether our early ancestors could 'sin' or not is another question...*wry grin*

I, personally, do not accept the concept of "original sin", or that it even makes sense that all generations must pay for the errors of one person..etc...but I'm sorry--your analysis has as many problems as what you are trying to disprove, since you don't allow for all the possibilities.

It just ain't that simple..........