The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77921   Message #1395726
Posted By: Peace
01-Feb-05 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
Subject: RE: BS: How Many Spatulas Do YOU Own???
I must agree with my worthy colleague--and his culpa is mea culpa, too. Foolishly, I felt this thread (frivolous as it is--unlike Rapaire's thread on 1000 Virgins which speaks to a deep and important social issue) and stand by his side in his hour of shame. Please don't admonish Bruce; I am sure it was s spur-of-the-moment thing--a will 'o the wisp, a chimera of a memory of a recollection of a time when this world was a simpler place devoid of nuclear weapons, biochemical substances for use in warfare and beer that goes flat when you leave it in a glass for twelve days, and it was to the aforementioned contextual angst-causing world problems to which he was responding. Like, what's THAT about, huh? The flat beer I mean.

Anyway, please forgive Bruce for this error, and please forgive Bruce for 'jumping right in there' to fart around.

Bruce and I did NOT discuss his public apology before he made it. It was a surprise to me--and him to. Creatures of impulse: that's what humans are. Creatures of habit--that's what, OH! forget it, that's religion.

It's nice to see someone else in deeeeeep dung for a change. Thanks for takin' it for the team Bruce.


Bee-dubya-ell is a real trouble maker. Give him sh#t.

