The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77968   Message #1395930
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
01-Feb-05 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Vote Turnout
Subject: BS: Iraq Vote Turnout
a number of figures have been tossed around on various threads about the turnout for this election. i'm curious. what we know:the votes are to be hand-counted so we won't know results for days. the country is under martial law, restrictions of travel, curfews, making the collection and tabulation of votes even slower and more complicated. the only election "observers" were not onsite but in jordan. the footage of iraq voters were taken in limited areas and footage pooled by the networks.
hence my query. does anyone know or have any info about how these numbers for turnout percentages were calculated? are they just numbers the coporate media are throwing out and then counting on the usual braindead repeaters to holler them over and over enough (EVERYONE knows the turnout was huge! 60, 70 percent!! EVERYONE is reporting that, you idiot!) or is there some agency, some organization, somebody credible that can give any of these numbers any validity?