The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3476   Message #1396026
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
01-Feb-05 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Farewell He/She? (Adieu to Dark Weather)
Subject: Lyr Add: FAREWELL HE
Nutty, that version in the Bodleian deserves posting.


It's fare you well cold winter and fare you well cold frost,
Nothing I've gained but my true love I've lost,
I will sing and be merry while a *caution I do see,
And I will rest me when I'm weary let him go farewell he.

Last night he brought me a fine diamond ring,
*And thought to have deprived me of a far better thing,
But he was not so skillful as a lover might be,
I defy the lad for ever let him go farewell he.

He has another sweetheart but that is all a joke,
*But if he had twenty he would not me provoke
And if he likes another 'tis as they can agree,
And I have the choice of twenty let him go farewell he.

*As I was walking down by a shady green grove,
He met me with a smiling face and gave to me the road,
He thought I would *have spoke to him as I passed by,
But before I would humble to him I will lay down and die.

To half a pound of reason take half a grain of sense
A small sprig of *time and as much prudence,
And mix them up together as you may plainly see
(I) defy the lad forever let him go farewell he.

J. Catnach, printer, London, ca. 1813-1838, Bodleian Library, Ballads Catalogue, Harding B11(2298).

* 'occasion' in a sheet printed in Liverpool, 1820-1824, Harding B 28(162): Other differences- *He thought he would deprive me; *He thought in his heart he would me provoke; *As we were walking in yonder shady grove; *speak to him; *One sprig of thyme (I like 'time').