The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77956   Message #1396054
Posted By: Justa Picker
01-Feb-05 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
The only thing that makes any sense to me, is that EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING on this planet, are transplants [sic] extraterrestrials, placed here a long time ago.

The rest of it frankly makes no sense to me, since if there is only 1 God, why so many different ways to worship that Deity - with each faction thinking theirs is the only true path?

All this just so we can try and come to terms with our mortality?
Nah. Religion is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated on mankind, i.m.o.

Take God and Religion out of the equation and the vast history
of human suffering would have had to find another excuse for its cause.

Also if the "Messiah" has already come, then why is the world on the brink of Armageddon? Human beings by nature are the most violent animals on the planet. In many countries and instances, it's all we can do just to keep ourselves from killing each other.

I thought the Messiah was supposed to "elimate" all this? Weapons turned into plow shares and all that b.s.

Now back to your regularly scheduled brain-washing programming. :-)