The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77891   Message #1396200
Posted By: Chris Green
01-Feb-05 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The most obnoxious famous I've met
Subject: RE: BS: The most obnoxious famous I've met
WLD - Going back to Bernard Manning, it was because he picked on the one Asian bloke in the room and "took the piss" out of him (which is to say, subjected him to a five-minute inarticulate diatribe about why he shouldn't have turned up) and then made a big show of going up to him afterwards and saying 'a joke's a joke, mate, don't take it personally'.

I should mention at this point that this was a gig in a pub - no-one paid to get in, and I got the impression that quite a few people there were merely there to have a night out with their mates, not to be insulted by some balding, paunchy throwback.

My point is that if he hadn't been Bernard Manning, he'd have been digesting his front teeth. As it was, the Asian guy in question listened politely to what he had to say, and left in the interval. As did I. Arsehole.