The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73168   Message #1396247
Posted By: Andy Jackson
01-Feb-05 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: Miskin at Easter 2005
Subject: RE: Miskin at Easter 2005
Hello all, call to arms time. Despite all the secrecy it seems to have leaked out that Miskin is on again this year…We all know its getting bigger so we need more help. Ideally I would like a team to help set up on Thursday and Friday morning and then relax and enjoy but be ready to help again on the crucial Monday morning. I also need anyone with cooking expertise to do a shift in the kitchen. Bar staff will be a team unto themselves but please contact me if you have expertise in such matters. The dispensing of that is, not the consumption. Lastly of course we need those festival workhorses, the stewards. Door duty, car parking and general ticketing is not exactly arduous at Miskin but it has to be done. As for the rest of you just come along and do try to enjoy yourselves will you!! Oh by the way, after much deliberation I have decided we must follow public opinion and stop smoking in the lounge bar. This is where people are eating after all and it is the only complaint I have had in the last few years. I hope we wont have to limit numbers but to make sure just order your tickets now, there is an on line booking form on the website.