The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77933 Message #1396388
Posted By: susu
01-Feb-05 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: I hate it when.........
Subject: RE: BS: I hate it when.........
I hate it when people call me up on my home phone and say, "Where are you?" Although I do comeback with, "I'm at the beach! How'd you get the number?" I really hate it when someone calls me, and then says, "Oh wait! Can you hang on for a minute?" NOPE! And when someone argues adamantly on a point and when they are proved wrong, they say "well you misunderstood what I meant"- just be human and admit you are WRONG!!!!!!! I hate when people say, "That's not my job" But the thing I hate the most, is when people make judgements about people based not on fact but on their own narrrow-minded views.