The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77956   Message #1397129
Posted By: gnu
02-Feb-05 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Heavy man. Heavy. Food for thought. I was just sitting here thinking, even though it's been as cold as a whore's heart (reference intended), in just a few months, there's gonna be enough black flies, skeeters, bite-em-no-seeums, deer flies, stouts, blue arses, Texas flies, well... you get the idea... to suck the life out of a bull moose on a dead run in the rain, for all the thought about "WHERE AM I AM FROM ?", I wonder, where is the FLY in Christian Theolgy ? If you've got the answer, please send it to : gnu, Black Spruce Bog, Three Miles in Back of Beyond, East Overshoe Parish, Kent County, New Brunswick, Canada, EIE IOA. A?