I acquired a cd entitled "Maypoles to Mistletoe" at Whitby this year. It is by Martyn Wyndham-Read and several others. The sleeve notes mention the original production in 1971, but state at the end that it is but a selection. Even so, the quotation that Stewie mentions is the start of track 3, "Candlemas Eve",and there are 21 tracks. The nitty-gritty: "Maypoles to Mistletoe" by Martyn Wyndham-Read and company - Country Branch CBCD 091.By the way, while the subject has been raised,I am a morris dancing Churchwarden and PCC secretary, with a very tolerant Rector! I also make Green Men (amongst other things)out of salt dough. One Sunday the Rector took one look at my odd (purple and turquoise) socks peeking out from under a long skirt and announced that he and the other warden had decided that they WERE deliberate after all. So I hoiked the skirt right up to show the knee-breeches underneath. (This was in the days when I did plough stot dances too). At this he just announced that I was 'bloody mad'. Well, I had a danceout right afterwards. In fact he is going to get me in kit a couple of Sundays from now because I am off to Sheffield right afterwards. At least it will be a dress, albeit scarlet with trimmings. This Sunday I will have to look respectable 'cos the Bishop's coming!