The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78006   Message #1398889
Posted By: Bobert
04-Feb-05 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's State of the Union Address...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's State of the Union Address...
Tell ya what, hubby... That's wxactly what all you Bushites are doling. You want to narrowly define the discussion. It not us folkls on the other side. I gave you 15 questions. You answered 3 od them and arbitrailly decided that the other 12 were not relavent to the discussion. That's not the way to get stuff on the table. It evasiveness on your part...

Tell ya what, if you wanta go back and answer the questions, I'll be more than happy to answer any list of questions that you might have for me. That's the way things are discussed. But you won't do that 'cause you, like all Bushites, can talk the talk but won't walk the walk...

No, rather than entering into a discussion you just wanta preach yer sermon and tell out side that our ideas and observations aren't relevent to the discussion...

Then, when your cornered on that one, you strike back persoanlly on another thread suggesating that I don't care about people living in poverty because I don't take a danged blanket down and sleep on the streets with homeless people??? Like that is about the unenlightened thing I've read here in a long time. That's like telling a cancer researcher to inject himself with cancer cells. You make Martin look like a flaming liberal, hub-ster....
