The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68553   Message #1398984
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Feb-05 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming" now an eBook
Subject: RE: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming"
In my forced period of bedrest, I've been re-reading the finished product and just wanted say, to those of you who were kind enough to purchase my book, I missed a few typos and odd spellings, even having proofed it several times. For this I'd like to apologise to you all. I know it doesn't effect the content, but it bugs me. FWIW I am now able to sit at the computer longer, so will be fixing these. Any subsequent copies will reflect these changes.

Thanks, again, so much,
