The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77035   Message #1399315
Posted By: GUEST,NIckp (uncookied)
04-Feb-05 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Epson C84 printer colo(u)rs
Subject: RE: Tech: Epson C84 printer colo(u)rs
Having started this one off I'm glad it's being useful - even if negatively.

The latest on my problems is that I've now changed the profile (I'm now using an adobe one), set it to use factory defaults and am using non-epson ink.

The results are ... well... better by quite a lot although not really what I'm after. I may yet play a little with the slider adjustment but can't spare the time at present.

I certainly can't afford a replacement at the meoment so I'll make do with it. It'll manage! (so will I!)
