The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1400806
Posted By: Don Firth
06-Feb-05 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
I just started another thread, "Christians – Moral vs 'Moral'" (just what the world needs! Another thread on that subject!) with THIS link, but I think it's also appropriate here. It's a speech given by a minister, and it begins as follows:
As some of you know, I am minister of Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma City, an Open and Affirming, Peace and Justice church in northwest Oklahoma City, and professor of Rhetoric at Oklahoma City University.

But you would most likely have encountered me on the pages of the Oklahoma Gazette, where I have been a columnist for six years, and hold the record for the most number of angry letters to the editor.

Tonight, I join ranks of those who are angry, because I have watched as the faith I love has been taken over by fundamentalists who claim to speak for Jesus, but whose actions are anything but Christian.

We've heard a lot lately about so-called "moral values" as having swung the election to President Bush. Well, I'm a great believer in moral values, but we need to have a discussion, all over this country, about exactly what constitutes a moral value -- I mean what are we talking about?
And he goes on from there. It needs to be said, loud, clear, and often.

Don Firth