The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77952   Message #1400919
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
06-Feb-05 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Has The Folk Community Changed?
Subject: RE: Has The Folk Community Changed?
Friends, Roamers, Countrymen, Citywomen et al,

It's time this was said, on the positive side.

Yes, the folk community HAS changed. And one of the most positive ways it's changed is Digitrad. We need to think over some of the great things that should be said about this crossroads of the human spirit-cum-music obsession.

Looking back over a lifetime of 67 years, with all kinds of immersion in folkie and oldtime, hootenanny, singaround, outing club wingdings and trail music, campfire singing at Jenny Lake in the shadows of the Tetons and up and down the country from Mexico City to Glacier Park, folk song organizations, club dates, college concerts, and random events involving music including backstage jams, parking lot jams, folk festivals, annoying the neighbors, and so on...

Till Digitrad we never had this place to pool thoughts as well as songs. I came to Digitrad totally by accident--a completely un-clued-in officemate who knew I liked folk music stumbled over it (in '96 was it?) and rather dubiously mentioned it to me--to find, by and large, a community very much in the image of something I'd always dreamed of. Like-minded individuals, more than averagely kind, considerate, intelligent and helpful. Not to mention the world's finest archive of traditional music, plus a great many other kinds of songs, pop, vaudeville, silly and profound, that I love too. Once in a while a harsh word? I'd say that's still a great batting average.

Oh give me a night
On the mudcat website
Where good steers and good scholarship play
Where seldom is found
Any lack of good sound
I rely on it more every day.

Home on Digitrad,
Where the songs list from Z back to A,
Where often is heard
A new musical word
And the skies are not cloudy all day.

Think, folks, think. This site is probably the best bulletin board in the whole wide world. It certainly is the best and most accessible archive of songs. I've made friends here (I hope I haven't managed to alienate you all yet), found scholarly help, zany fun, and I get to talk to like-minded individuals about every crazy musical thing that crosses my mind. I never felt half so well situated or well informed. And I sometimes get lucky enough to be able to help other people with a song they're looking for, as so many of you have helped me.

All hail to Digitrad! We just don't know how lucky we are. Okay fine, there are some harsh interchanges. But half the time I think they're not even meant that way, sometimes we just sound brusque and don't know it. There is a world of good heart and soul here.

And just imagine if we didn't have this resource. Seriously. Imagine for a moment that Digitrad doesn't exist. And feel the sense of loss.

Bottom line: this is a dream community. Dream on.

Kudos to our Digitradders. Long may they wave.
