The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78139   Message #1400924
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Feb-05 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christians -- Moral vs 'Moral'
Subject: RE: BS: Christians -- Moral vs 'Moral'
You have got to be kidding, Jim. This just wraps up what many have been saying from the beginning.

And I need to get a clarification from you. Are you pro-life? Or are you just anti-abortion to the exclusion of the rest of what it means to be pro life?

For a Conservative to be "bugged" that someone adopts a "holier than thou" attitude really is the height of short term memory. If you will recall, it was Gingrich and company that started this whole business of who is more holy. These are the folks that branded those of us on the left side of the political spectrum as less than Christian, and less than patriotic.

As to the Right's view of how to end poverty, I would surely like to see the signs that it works. All I see is average wage slipping, the gap between rich and poor widening, more working poor families than ever, a raft of legislation that encourages our decent paying jobs to go overseas, corporate welfare everywhere.... hell, I could go on and on.

The simple fact is, with regard to the war, it was started because GWB wanted to start it. His justifications for that action have shifted each time he got caught lieing about the last one. Saddam was a bad actor, but there are many of those. We don't have the resources to take them down.

This from a guy whose definition of heroism is joining the Air National Guard, skipping his drill weekends, and then choosing as his running mate a man who had other things to do during Vietnam. It's easy to be hawkish when you and yours don't have to do the fighting. You can bet your bippy that if his daughters were in harms way that his attitude would be different.

I will take a neighbor like this guy anytime.
