The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77651   Message #1401006
Posted By: GUEST,Council Officer
06-Feb-05 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth on the move?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth on the move?
I am sorry if I have stirred-up some ill-feeling. I was asked to post here by a near-neighbour who told me of her concern about the suggestion that concerts at the Ham had already been approved.

I will not be posting here again but before leaving I will respond to comments from others by saying:

(a) In answer to cllr. I am certainly genuine. I hope you are too even though you cannot spell the word 'licensing' properly. If you are a cllr. in East Devon you will know of your need to declare a prejudicial interest and not vote in any council debate on licensing issues surrounding the Sidmouth concerts

(b) Last year's event went ahead despite a dispute over insurance cover. Organisers were informed just prior to the event that inadequate insurance cover was in place but they refused to pay for extra cover as required by East Devon Council. Effectively they defied the Council and officers such as myself have a responsibility not to let that happen again

(c) I am in no way connected with the writer Prize Pedant although I would echo his or her views. Health and Safety must be paramount at any event. If rules were broken in the past that is no excuse for them being broken again now. Local authority officers have a duty to protect the public and ensure their safety at outdoor events. Event organisers have the same duty. I would hope anyone attending such events welcomes moves to ensure their safety

I am not interested in the debate on whether the Sidmouth festival should take place this year and if so in what form. I am not here to undermine the organisers of any event. My job is solely to ensure events are properly licensed with the required insurance in place and all health & safety issues properly addressed.

I hope anyone attending events in Sidmouth this year will recognise the importance of my role in ensuring your safety.