The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77952   Message #1401119
Posted By: coldjam
06-Feb-05 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Has The Folk Community Changed?
Subject: RE: Has The Folk Community Changed?
This was an interesting thread. As a newcomer I have sort of bounced around looking at who-all was here and why. Somewhat reticent to jump in and get all beat up. It becomes pretty evident, after a while, that some folks jest don't got no upbringing. But also, that some folks have such a preconceived notion of what the other guy is all about, they just assume the worst and attack it.

In our little rural area of about 5-10 towns, our folk music community includes folks from Mennonites to Communists. And we do get to talking, and we do share ideas. But it only turns bad (occasionally) when we forget we are SHARING ideas, and think that by being louder or ruder we can make our point so strongly as to change the other's minds.

We've learned that most of us are not "RED" or "BLUE". Most of us have real varied opinions on life issues, that neither Gore nor Bush (insert your country's opposing partys here)represents, and that brings us together. Which is where folk music comes in as a way to grease the social wheels. But the most "conservative" person here, is respectful when a "liberal" is sharing a song from their heart-even if it about something they passionately disagree with! As on Mudcat, there are also a minority of "problem" people who agitate for attention.We try to love them anyway, and not become like them in defense.

By and large I really enjoy this little cyber community, there are some very funny,good-natured and insightful folks here. And as Martha Stewert would say, "It's a good thing."