The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78139   Message #1401438
Posted By: GUEST,jim tailor
07-Feb-05 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christians -- Moral vs 'Moral'
Subject: RE: BS: Christians -- Moral vs 'Moral'
Very simplistic of you, dick.

Actually, no Mick, I don't agree that the "implications for economic policies are pretty clear".

That is the ongoing public debate -- has the "War on Poverty" as designed and implemented by the left, been in the best interest (best of intentions aside) of the poor or not? I don't agree that it has been in the best interest of the poor.

That doesn't mean that I agree with "corporate welfare" (which, incidentally, is a political, not conservative, idea) or the other political manipulations of market forces that you cited as the strawman "other side" of being a caring person.

But I do think that a stronger economy is good for all -- and I don't accept your vision of an America deep in poverty, nor the huge gap between rich and poor as you see it.

For a while -- during the technological boom (which is more or less over, or taking a deep breather) it was possible for some to make huge fortunes on paper -- if you are citing statistics, they are warped by factors like that. That's not a public policy issue -- that's simply technological advancement.

And "caring for the poor" is more (to me) than leaving it up to the government -- and MANY on the right see it that way. Many on the right accept the poor as personal responsibility.

I take GREAT pleasure in having ruined your Super Bowl experience. In fact right now I am doing one of those wobble-knee end-zone dances. Now I'm pointing at you and trash talking. trash talk is pretty lame, though. I'm a midwesterner.