The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77250   Message #1401853
Posted By: GUEST,Sidewinder
07-Feb-05 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: Will Elvis be making a comeback?
Subject: RE: Will Elvis be making a comeback?
Flamenco Ted a bitter sting at the swarm of Elvis fervour buzzing around at the moment.Do I take it you are not enamoured by the most successful entertainer in the history of popular music? Please allow me to educate you on the finer points of why so many people around the world look upon Elvis as a beacon of hope, a guiding light in a world too tempered in darkness to show compassion for the weak, respect for elderly, or even guidance to the young. Back in the austere post war 1950s;money was tight,the outlook was tentatively hopeful and the young looked up to authority with blind faith but no real focus to unite them.Then, like a thunderbolt from above, a movement emerged called Rock and Roll. It was not just music,it was not just fashion and /or style, it was not preaching at anyone or seeking to control anybody. It just said, in no uncertain terms, if it feels good do it! No matter what the "squares" say or do.By luck or divine intervention, or as some say an inherent prodigious talent. A twenty one year old, trainee electrician, from the real definition of abject poverty, took the crazy decision to give up his simple humble safe existence and fire the furnace that within months dominated the sound and vision facilities of the whole wide world.This boy was vilified and despised by the establishment and suffered unspeakable acts of hatred from his fellow god fearing, flag waving, true Americans! But, and here is the point; he didn't give in and move to Mexico he "suffered the slings and arrows" and emerged, in the fickle world of entertainment, "The King" - this was not, as in Michael Jacksons' or Little Richards case, self bestowed. It was an act of respect and admiration (unwanted and mocked by the boy) proclaimed and reitterated by the media for almost 50 years. This act alone leads one to believe; in the face of great adversity, there is always hope. As Elvis once sang, with a fervent passion that other singers could only derive solace from, "If I Can Dream" and for millions around the world it is so much more than a dream it is the feeling of love and humility that took a boy from a two roomed shotgun shack in Tupelo to Graceland and made him a legend. He united a generation and gave it a voice and inspired The Beatles, Dylan, Morrison, etc. etc. etc. and still had time to reflect decades after the goldrush. Unless you are totally bereft of intelligence this "decent,fine,boy" deserves respect and an acknowledgement that not only did he do it first- he did it better than anyone could have predicted. Thank you for your time and patience I will look forward to your more reasoned perspective.

