The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78006   Message #1401855
Posted By: Bobert
07-Feb-05 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's State of the Union Address...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's State of the Union Address...
Well, hubster. There you go again telling me what and what you don't want to hear from me? Like what's that all about? If that isn't limiting the scope of a discussion, then what is?

And, yeah, if I see someone getting ready to put a leech on soomeone in the interst of curing them of something the first thing to do is to stop them. You may not think that is walking the walk but defending a program is very much proactive.

And yeah, if your side really is Hell bent on fixing a progem that ain't broke then sure I can think of ways to improve it. If, however, all you want to really do is push thru another regressive tax cut then leave me out.

How about this, hubby. Reduce the percentage paid into the system to around 5% for both the employer and the employee and remove the $90,000 cap? This would help small businesses who might be ablt to get back into helping provide health insurance to their employees. It would certainly help the self employed. And it would reduce the burden of folks making under $90,000...

Well, you'll have time, hud, to tell everyone why it won't work... I'll be back in line when I can but right now, I've got to disconnect this pudder and take it to the shop...
