The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15508   Message #140207
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
24-Nov-99 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Twelfth Night songs?
Subject: RE: Twelfth Night songs?
And that is exactly why Cromwell banned Christmas back in the 1640's. That and he considered it fairly papist to put pastry 'Jesus's on top of the mince pies, which were real mince then......

Any songs about the Glastonbury Thorn can be sung on 12th night, as that is when it flowers, because we're back on the subject of our 11 days again. The thorn, being a gift of nature, recognizes no human measurement of time, and so flowers at Old Christmas, rather than the 'new', in fact, there are stories of villages where cuttings of the Glastonbury thorn are growing, refusing to recognise the 'New Style' Christmas, not going to church and treating one another as always, because the tree hadn't flowered, it wasn't the true Christmas...

Any more miscellaneous crap you want to know about Christmas? I've got tons of it in my head.... so why can't I remember the burglar alarm......?