The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77651   Message #1402217
Posted By: George Papavgeris
08-Feb-05 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth on the move?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth on the move?
GUEST of 10:29PM, you're so wide off the mark...
You don't know the provenance of Cllr's house in Sidmouth. Perhaps he comes from there originally. And anyway, how does he drive prices up by keeping his house there? It's those who sell their houses that feed the price system.

And you don't know his life style. Perhaps he is there every weekend; perhaps he rents it to holiday makers - surely that brings money into the local economy?

And you don't know that he hates Council Officers. Being one himself, that doesn't stack up.

And you don't know him as a person and his admirable reputation. He may bat for the "wrong" team in my view, but he is liked and admired by supporters (and activists) of all parties.

But no - you had some spleen to vent, and you lashed out regardless. And did so anonymously too, while he even went as far as to disclose his email address in an effort flush out what he genuinely believes to be an impostor.

And like every year for many years now, he will support the Festival by the most important method - being there.

I tell you again - you are off the mark, and an apology to Cllr would be most appropriate.