The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78196   Message #1402522
Posted By: JulieF
08-Feb-05 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Edinburgh Sessions 25/26/27 Feb
Subject: Edinburgh Sessions 25/26/27 Feb
I'm off to the old homeland on the weekend of 25th/26th/27th of Feb ( leaving sunny Sheffield Friday , coming back Monday). As well as being hopelessly nostalgic with friends, visiting relatives ( probably), buying vegetarian haggis and practising climbing into bunk beds in Youth Hostels without waking the other occupants; I aim to get to sessions on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday ( if I'm not too knackered and broke) nights.   My preference is for mixed tunes and song ( scottish,irish and a bit of whatever comes along).   Last time I managed to find a couple of really good sessions but it's different days of the week this time. Anyone got any recomendations?

Any ideas gratefully received.