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Thread #77956   Message #1402850
Posted By: akenaton
08-Feb-05 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
Thanks for taking the time to compose that post Joe, it proves you are sincere in your belief,but Im sorry it doesn't convince me.

Were all on a voyage of discovery, from the moment we're born till the day we die, whether we have a religious faith or not.

I too have been inspired by others, who have for the most part been atheist or agnostic.   Goodness is not confined to practicing Christians.

Without the magic, religious faith seems to me meaningless, and the magic is what more and more Christians are finding harder and harder to explain or justify.
I read in the papers not long ago, that alarge number of the clergy no longer believe in heaven, hell, the virgin birth,or even a supreme being.
If the leaders of a religion have difficulty justifying its basic beliefs, why should anyone else be convinced.

I can understand why some people might need such a faith, and maybe someday I may need it myself, but at this time it all seems to fly in the face of reason ...Ake