The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78214   Message #1403033
Posted By: Cats
08-Feb-05 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Folksingers who are research historians?
Subject: RE: Folksingers who are research historians?
Cornwall Songwriters last two efforts, Cry of Tin and Unsung Heroes were researched by the writers. When we did the research for Unsung Heroes, we spent hours pouring over the books at Heligan looking at day books, garden manuals etc. For Cry of Tin the songwriters spent hours down mines and going through museum documentation. Jon frequently writes from his own research. When I did Spirit in the Storm, the True story of Joan Wytte, I spent hours at the witchcraft museum in Boscastle. So, what's next... next Tuesday we are booked into the Public Records office in Truro trying to find out more about our new (very old) house and why the Manor for which it is the Dower House, disappeared. With 406 years of history there has to be a song or two there!