The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78216   Message #1403172
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Feb-05 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blah, Blah
Subject: RE: BS: Blah, Blah
Really hard to do, Maggie. There's another one I have the same trouble with because of the same radio program. They opened "The Lone Ranger" with that chunk of William Tell Overture, but within the program, under the narration, they played Liszt's Les Preludes. Pretty dramatic stuff.

I think I got my love of classical music from early exposure of this kind. Lots of kids' programs used excerpts from classical works as incidental music.

But for some of the cartoon images in Fantasia, I could give Walt Disney one helluva dope-slap!

Don Firth