The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78211   Message #1403493
Posted By: George Papavgeris
09-Feb-05 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: Your favourite navel-gazing songs
Subject: RE: Your favourite navel-gazing songs
My most favourite navel-gazing songs are my own; it's my navel for chrissakes. But there are some brilliant exceptions, already mentioned above (Joni M in my book).

And in the late 60's a Greek protest singer (D. Savopoulos), destined to become the greatest living Greek songwriter over the following 45 years - a Greek Dylan in many ways, but more musical - did a wonderful translation of "My back pages" which became an instant hit with the young generation and remains one of my all-time favourites. I actually prefer it to the original!

(He later did the same with "All along the Watchtower" - and his arrangement of the music is miles ahead of the Dylan/Hendrix versions)